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Newsletter Q2 2024

Dear Members,


We are delighted to announce that the call for applications for the Ireland France Business Awards 2024 has officially been launched. Whether you're a large established corporation or a budding enterprise growing your business, these awards are a great way to get you recognized, noticed and rewarded for your contribution to the Franco-Irish trade relationship. You will find full details and links to the various application forms below so don't hesitate to apply or nominate a candidate today. We also have an incredible evening lined up for the much anticipated awards ceremony in November and further information on that will follow shortly.


This newsletter is also brimming with details of the very full and diverse calendar of events undertaken by NetworkIrlande this last quarter culminating in a thoroughly enjoyable cross-chamber summer cocktail last week. There is however one more event in the calendar before we break up for the summer and that is our AGM this coming Wednesday, June 26th. In order to accommodate participation from a maximum number of members we have decided to conduct the AGM online. We hope many of you can join us however if by chance you are unable to do so we would ask you to please send us your proxy as soon as possible.


We would like to take this occasion to wish you all a wonderfully sportive summer and look forward to sharing details of an exciting rentrée agenda very soon.


Your NetworkIrlande Team




The NetworkIrlande AGM takes place on Wednesday, June 26th. All members who have registered to attend will receive the meeting link forthwith. There is still time for those who are unable to join us to send their proxy - this is very important for a quorum to be reached and the AGM to be validated. You may find the proxy to be signed HERE, please return it to 

Recent Events

Meet-Up in Bordeaux, June 14th, 2024


The French Gaelic Football championship finals took place on June 15th in Bordeaux and to mark the occasion the Embassy of Ireland to France, with the support of NetworkIrlande, organised a gathering of the local Irish community in the presence of Ambassador Niall Burgess. 

Unseasonal, Irish-style weather failed to dampen turnout or spirits at the beautiful Orangerie venue in le Jardin Publique. Guests included representatives of GAA France and the local club, business people, representatives of the wine houses (many with historic ties to Ireland), artists, teachers and academics. A delegation from Tramore (twinned with Cadaujac, outside Bordeaux) was also present. The Ambassador delivered remarks welcoming guests and celebrating historic and contemporary Irish links with the city and region. 

NetworkIrlande hopes that this heralds the beginning of increased engagement with the region, and looks forward to facilitating further connection with the franco-irish business community in Bordeaux going forward. 

Cross-Chamber Summer Cocktail, June 13th, 2024

NetworkIrlande members enjoyed an extremely convivial cross chamber networking session on June 13th alongside members of the Netherlands France Chamber of Commerce and Australia France Business Association on the rooftop of Groupe Randstad France. The event had a distinctly olympic flavour as our host Frank Ribout, President of Groupe Randstad France, sponsors of the upcoming games, shared some interesting sporting insights as we overlooked the Stade de France and the impressive new aquatics center at Saint Denis. 

Over 100 members gathered from across our three chambers for this thoroughly enjoyable multinational networking session and we look forward to many more cross-chamber events going forward.


Lunch & Learn, June 6th, 2024

This quarter we enjoyed another fantastic Lunch & Learn, this time graciously hosted by our member Baker McKenzie in their beautiful Paris office. 

The Lunch focused on dispelling misconceptions regarding French employment law, from working hours, strikes, and dismissals, to workplace wellbeing. A big thank you to the whole team at Baker McKenzie and notably, to Nadège Dallais, Lucille Vallet and Marie-Amélie Balducci for busting the many myths that surround employment in France, laying out the facts for us in a very clear and comprehensible manner. The day was rounded off with a relaxing coffee in their sun-drenched gardens!


If you are a business or pioneer member of NetworkIrlande and would like to share an aspect of your business with your fellow members at one of our upcoming lunch and learns please let us know at

Private Tour of Sotheby's Irish Art Auction, April 25th

Sotheby's offered NetworkIrlande members a privileged private viewing and tour of the fantastic works included in this year's Irish Art auction. A special mention to Nicholas Hemming-Brown for his wonderful insights on various works and to Arabella Bishop for bringing this event together for us. The evening was made extra special by the presence of two of the artists whose work is featured in this current auction, Rowan Gillespie and John Kelly, who captivated guests with the backstory to their pieces.


Panel Discussion on Hydrogen, April 2nd, 2024

A fascinating event on April 2nd for the NetworkIrlande France members who joined with the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Réseau Oudinot to learn from and discuss with leading experts in the field of sustainable transport and the role that hydrogen will play in future mobility. 

The discussion explored the different facets of hydrogen use and, among the many takeaways, guests gained a better understanding of the difference between green and grey hydrogen, the cost and complexities of hydrogen fuelling stations, the safety aspects of hydrogen use in vehicules and the major headway that Asia has in this domain. The event finished with a convivial networking cocktail between members of our three networks in the wonderful premises of the Franco-British chamber.

Many thanks to Valerie Bouillon-Delporte, Directrice de l'écosystème hydrogène at Michelin and Co-Présidente of Hydrogène France; Katie Black, Energy Transition Director of NetworkIrlande Pioneer Member Transdev;  Mathieu Gardies, Founder and President of Hype; and Laurent Fayollas, President of Hy24 and Global Infrastructure Deputy Head of Ardian, for their compelling and thought-provoking insights and much appreciation also to Peter Lakin for his excellent moderation.



Welcome To Our New Members


As France's leading betting and gaming operator and a leading player worldwide, FDJ offers responsible gaming to the general public in the form of lottery games, sports betting, horse racing better and poker. On November 3, 2023, the Group announced the acquisition of Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI), marking its first foray into a foreign lottery market.

To find out more visit:  or check out their socials: X and LinkedIn.


Founded in 2002,  Altij is a full-service cabinet d'avocats With a particular expertise in technology and business law. Based in Paris and Toulouse  Altij Avocats act for clients nationally and internationally and are recognized for their expertise in intellectual property, artificial intelligence, data protection, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, commercial and smart contracts, construction law, risk management, white collar and business crime, Sport and class actions.

To find out more visit or LinkedIn


Founded in 2017, DATA RING is a not for profit association whose objective is the promotion of awareness and best practice in relation to the protection of personal data, the balancing freedom of expression and associated issues arising from intellectual property, Artificial intelligence and cyber security challenges. Its members include French avocats, academics, engineers, DPO and others.     Supported by the CNIL, a number of French departments, the Occitanie region as well as several multinational groups, Data Ring promotes tools and awareness intended to permit each economic actor to structure and optimize its numeric and social responsibility, to achieve the highest standards of compliance in matters of privacy. This work encourages university research, best practices, while complying with European and international regulations on data protection and artificial intelligence. The work of DATA RING promotes the achievement of responsible innovation and the goal of information autonomy.

To find out more visit or LinkedInFacebook






Remember to consult the member directory in your member portal to find contact details for all your fellow members. 

Ireland France Business Awards 2024

Call for Applications

NetworkIrlande and The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once again this year on the Ireland France Business Awards recognising excellence in the economic relationship between France and Ireland.

Best Irish Company in France

Sponsored by


Best French Company in Ireland

Sponsored by


Franco-Irish Business - Newcomer of the Year

Sponsored by




Closing date for receipt of entries: Friday 13th September at 12 noon.

Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Yachts de Paris The River Seine, Paris 14th November 2024.



The Awards serve to acknowledge Irish and French companies who have made an exceptional contribution to the development of trade and investment between Ireland and France.

This year, the Awards will be held in Paris in the presence of H.E. Niall Burgess, Ambassador of Ireland to France and Honorary President of NetworkIrlande and the Ambassador of France to Ireland and Honorary President of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce.

We look forward to welcoming the winning companies and members of NetworkIrlande and the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce at the Awards ceremony and Gala dinner on board the Yachts de Paris on the river Seine, Paris on Thursday 14th November 2024. Further information and reservation details will follow shortly.


Winners will be chosen by a Jury consisting of senior members of both the public and private sectors in Ireland and France and will be chaired by Eoin Scott, Company Secretary, FICC.

Members of the Jury include Brendan McDonald (VP Engineering & Green Economy, IDA), Gaultier Brand-Gazeau (Chef du Service Economique, Ambassade de France en Irlande), Monica MacLaverty (Manager Southern Europe, Tourism Ireland), Mathieu Gorge (President CCEF Irlande), Orla Noonan (Former Chairwoman of the Board of Adevinta), Elodie Morin-Rager (Director, Business France Ireland), Mary Ryan (CEO CACI Ireland) and Patrick Torrekens (Manager, Enterprise Ireland France).



Best French Company in Ireland: 

  • Demonstrate that the company applying is a registered French business headquartered, managed and with its main activity in France.
  • Demonstrate that the company applying has been doing business in both Ireland and France for at least two years and can demonstrate investment in Ireland.
  • Development of business activity in France and/or Ireland.
  • Demonstrate that the company is a high quality employer (working environment, employment benefits, HR management).
  • Demonstrate that the employment between Ireland & France has increased positively from the viewpoint of both countries.
  • Demonstrate innovation.
  • Commited to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, including climate change.

Apply here: Best French Company in Ireland

Best Irish Company in France:

  • Demonstrate that the company applying is a registered Irish business headquartered, managed and with its main activity in Ireland.
  • Demonstrate that the company applying has been doing business in both Ireland and France for at least two years and can demonstrate investment in France.
  • Development of business activity in France and/or Ireland.
  • Demonstrate that the company is a high quality employer (working environment, employment benefits, HR management).
  • Demonstrate that the employment between Ireland & France has increased positively from the viewpoint of both countries.
  • Demonstrate innovation.
  • Commited to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, including climate change.

Apply here: Best Irish Company in France

Entry Criteria for Franco-Irish Business Newcomer of the Year Award

In recognition of the importance for companies to further the development of trade between Ireland and France, the Jury will award a special distinction to newcomer companies who are successfully entering the French or Irish market.

The award will consider the following elements relevant to a successful newcomer company active in the Franco-Irish business world.

The company should:

  • Demonstrate a sustainable business proposition relevant to the French and Irish markets that has the potential to grow.
  • Demonstrate innovation.
  • Commit to ESG and the circular economy.
  • Develop eployment in Ireland, France or both countries.

Entry Requirements:

All SME or start-up businesses with a maximum of 250 employees are eligible to enter. The company is:

  • A registered French company targeting the Irish market.
  • A registered Irish company targeting the French market.
  • Is not a subsidiary of a larger business group nor a franchise (no larger company or group may have a shareholding of more than 50% of the company).
  • In operation for at least two years.
  • Significantly active in the new market they have entered (France or Ireland) for a maximum of three years.

Apply here: Newcomer of the Year

A company which has previously won an award in one of the categories will not be considered for an award in that category for a period of two years after winning the award.


Other News

France-Ireland Transport Links

Ahead of the Olympics in Paris, our friends at Tourism Ireland have drawn up comprehensive maps of the most up to date transport links between Ireland and France. This information can also be found on our website HERE.

Whether you prefer to travel by boat or up in the clouds, you can find all of the routes marked off on the map alongside the ports and airports to head to, as well as the providers to make your search easier!

Interceltic Business Forum Lorient 2024

The Interceltic Business Forum will take place on 12 August in Lorient, Britanny this year. The annual Forum offers business-people from all over the Celtic-World the opportunity to share economic insights, developments and innovations as ell as the chance to mingle and broaden their network!  You can sign up for the event HERE.

Irish Investment in France

Business France have published their annual report on investment in France detailing FDI from 27 different countries including Ireland. 

Irish Investments in France climbed in 2023, with 32 projects that helped create or maintain 1,162 jobs. NetworkIrlande Pioneer member, Amarenco, was a notable contributor, according to the country factsheet released by Invest in France. Amarenco invested in nearly 2,000 infrastructure projects, including a hybrid solar power plant in Nouvelle Aquitaine.

The energy and recycling sectors were the main drivers of the increase, accounting for 25% of the projects. The construction and building materials sector followed closely, with consulting and business services also playing notable roles. 

The main regions that drew Ireland's interest were Île de France (Paris Region), taking 22% of projects, Hauts de France which garnered 16% of investments, and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes which took 9% of projects. 

Sixteen manufacturing projects were initiated, contributing 35% to employment. • Another sector which made an impact was decision-making centers, with six projects contributing 19% to employment. Although business services projects were less numerous, at four projects, the sector generated 45% of jobs. 

Irish investment in France has increased significantly since 2019, reflecting a strong and growing confidence in the French market and continued robust economic partnership between the two countries. 

Our Pioneer Members


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